I want the background to convey a powerful message. I want the background to be deep, and bright. I want he background to be dynamic. I want the observer to feel overwhelmed and captured by the vastness and size of the background. That effect places the observer in a position of awe as they have to step back further and further away from the work in order not to feel swallowed deep into its content. The observer becomes lost in the painting at any distance and finds them selves falling forward into the work again, trying to capture and understand every little detail.
Im working on cloud designs for the infinite sky background. I want to create a god like effect on the observer. I want the observer to feel as if they are staring into an endless sky as they peer deep.
As you can see above, Im working with a couple of models that play with simple cloud designs. Clouds have a very organic shape which creates many dynamic shadows once these shapes are composed. A lot of work goes into creating these shapes, while keeping the lightness of the cloud. The difficulty for me comes into play when we talk about creating an infinite sky. The problem is perspective and making sure you create the right perspective in order to achieve the infinite sky effect.
My next illustration will show my finalized infinite sky rendering. Please leave comments and or critiques.
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